Consumer Advisory Group

Yea and District Memorial Hospital are seeking expressions of interest from Community Members to join our Consumer Advisory Group (CAG).

Our aim to have the best health outcomes for all our patients, families and carers is at the heart of what we do and can be achieved with a partnership with our community.

CAG members are volunteers and act in an advisory capacity
  • We are looking for community members
  • who are able to represent a diverse community perspective
  • who live/work in the local Yea and surrounding area
  • who have the capacity to commit a few hours every 3 months to attend meetings, some of which may be online meeting
  • who have either used our services, have family that have used our services or may be planning to access our services in the future

What does the group do?

The Consumer Advisory Group assists Yea and District Memorial Hospital (YDMH) to continue to improve its services and standards of care. This committee assists the organisation by presenting a consumer perspective and voice through a variety of activities.


How do I register my interest?

Read the applications instructions HERE

Complete the following application form HERE, save your document and submit via

Enquiries can be directed to Maria Collins Director Performance Improvement on 5736 0400 or


Will there be support and training?

There will be support and if required, training for members of this group. Members will be supported by the Director of Performance Improvement.