Volunteers play an important role at Yea & District Memorial Hospital (Y&DMH) and the time they invest each week is greatly appreciated by staff, patients and residents alike.

Volunteers perform many roles including the Ladies Auxiliary, assisting with resident meal times, running activities and coordinating the Buds & Blossoms program.

Why volunteer?

There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer and what they hope to gain from the experience. Some of their reasons include:

  • The opportunity to contribute to the community they live in
  • To be part of a team
  • To help aged care residents maintain their independence
  • To try something new
  • The sense of satisfaction that comes from helping others
  • To learn how to use their talents in a positive way
  • To be with people
  • To help enhance a feeling of community
  • To make new friends
  • To have fun
  • To share skills
  • To encourage others

If you are interested in volunteering at Yea & District Memorial Hospital and have questions please call YDMH hospital reception and ask to speak the Aged Care Nurse Unit Manager on 03 5736 0400


Submit an application – CV with cover letter or letter of interest for Volunteering roles to recruitment@ydmh.org.au

We look forward to hearing from you.

Rosebank Volunteers

The following opportunities are open to volunteers in Rosebank Nursing Home and Hostel:

Assistance with feeding residents

This role involves assisting nursing home residents at meal times.  Assistance ranges from feeding residents who are unable to manage the use of utensils to helping residents to the meal table and bringing them their meal.   You would also clear tables after the meal.

Nursing Home meal times are:

  • Lunch 12.00noon
  • Dinner 4.45pm 

Buds & Blossoms

The Buds & Blossoms program runs every Thursday during school term from 10.45am for an 11am start and involves pre-school children (and parents) visiting the residents of the aged care facility for stories and songs.  Volunteers read stories, lead singing of nursery rhymes and support residents in their participation in the program.

Driving residents to appointments

Occasionally residents from the hostel require transport to a medical appointment.  Most of these appointments are in Alexandra or Seymour however some are in Melbourne.  Volunteer drivers are required to have a current drivers license and would use their own car.  The hospital will provide support to cover the cost of petrol.


The Power Pals eight-week progressive strength training program allows participants to work at their own pace in a friendly and supportive environment.  Anyone of any age or ability can be involved in the program.

The health and well-being benefits of strength training include improved muscle strength and functional level, making everyday tasks easier, improved bone density, increased energy levels and overall enjoyment of life, decreased depression, better weight control and improved balance and mobility.

Power Pals is run at Rosebank and facilitated by accredited volunteers. 

Film nights / slide shows

Y&DMH has an overhead screen, DVD player and video player that can be used to screen movies.  Volunteers are also welcome to bring in their slide projector or laptop to show travel snaps or other interesting presentations.

Fund raising, Footy Tipping and Sweeps

Ideas for fundraising are always welcome.  The volunteers run several raffles during the year, most are promoted to staff, residents and visitors but occasionally tickets are sold at local events such as the Autumn Fest.  There is also the Peanut Auction, footy tipping and the Melbourne Cup sweep.  Donations of new goods are needed for lucky draws, auctions, hampers and raffles.


Several of the residents enjoy gardening and have pots of colour and a few herbs.  Watering of the pots and chatting about plants is a pleasant pastime for these residents.  Green thumbed volunteers are always welcome to come and spend time with like-minded residents.

Morning Tea

Volunteers are always welcome to assist staff with regular morning teas for the residents in the hostel.  This may include getting the tea and coffee ready and taking it to the residents in the lounge or their room.  Occasionally there are also special morning teas with a bit more flair held in the Activities Room.  Volunteers can assist residents to the morning tea and with serving / cleaning up.


Outings are a wonderful social opportunity and a chance to take a drive to somewhere of interest.  Volunteers provide a valuable support to the coordinator in assisting residents in and out the bus / car and helping throughout the day with meals, rest room visits etc.

Reading the paper to residents

Some of our residents have low vision and appreciate having someone reading the local paper or other articles of interest.

Running Activity Groups

There are many opportunities for activity groups to be run at Rosebank.  Volunteers may have a particular interest or hobby they would like to share with the residents.  Activities could include a poetry class, cooking, discussion / reminiscing, painting, some form of craft, or chair based games.  The opportunities are only limited to you imagination.

Teaching Computers

There are a number of residents who would enjoy being able to play a game on the computer or write a letter to a friend, relative or grandchild.  Volunteers with computer knowledge would help our residents ‘get going’ on a computer and learn some basic computing skills.

Theme Days / Decorations

Theme days are enjoyed by both residents and staff and are a chance to change the scenery for a day or two.   The volunteer and residents also enjoy putting up decorations for special dates including St Patrick’s day, Melbourne Cup etc.  The annual Christmas decoration time also help to maintain the welcoming, homely feeling of Rosebank.

Undertaking surveys

Occasionally there are resident surveys and questionnaires to be completed and the staff appreciate the support of volunteers in getting around to all the residents.

Hospital Auxiliary

The Hospital Auxiliary is seeking additional members to join their committee. 

The committee meet reguarly to discuss fundraising and other activities throughout the year that support our organisation. 

For more details, please contact the President of the Auxiliary, Kaye on 0400424888

Community Advisory Group

Yea and District Memorial Hospital are seeking expressions of interest from Community Members to join our Consumer Advisory Group (CAG).

Our aim to have the best health outcomes for all our patients, families and carers is at the heart of what we do and can be achieved with a partnership with our community.

For more details, please CLICK HERE