Diet and Diabetes 

Diabetes is one of the leading health conditions in Australia affecting 1 in 20 of us. Here at YDMH we offer both diabetes nurse educator and dietitian services to help support people in the community who have type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes.


Our diabetes nurse educator can help educate about the following:

  • Appropriate technique and timing for testing your blood sugar levels
  • Explain to you how your different diabetes medications work
  • Help advise you and your doctor around adjustments that should be made to your diabetes medications to improve your blood sugar control


Our dietitian can help educate about the following:

  • Different types of carbohydrates and effect these have on your blood sugar levels
  • Appropriate carbohydrates portions and how to spread these appropriately across the day
  • How to carbohydrate count (if needed) – including how to read labels to determine the sugar/carbohydrate of different foods/drinks
  • How to prevent and/or manage hypos through diet
  • How to improve overall quality of diet which may help reduce risk of other conditions and/or assist you to lose weight if desired


The help to maintain or improve your blood sugar control and help prevent complications of diabetes (such as kidney disease, stroke and circulation issues), we recommend you get in touch with our intake worker on 5736 0448 to book an appointment with our dietitian and diabetes educator or ask your doctor to send us a referral.