Leaving Hospital

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Planning for going home happens early in your hospital stay, so you can arrange for someone to take you home or we can contact that person for you.
The Nursing staff will help you make the necessary arrangements, including making appointments with additional services if you require them. Your medications will also be returned on departure and the nurse will go through what all of your medications are for and when and how to take them safely.

One of our nursing staff will give you a call approximately a day or two post discharge to see how you are managing. However, should you have any queries or concerns following your discharge, please call the hospital and ask to speak to the Nurse in Charge.

Before you leave the hospital, please make sure that the people who will be looking after you at home know what they need to do.

If you are in any doubt, ask the Nursing staff to write out your treatment program.

This checklist may help you plan leaving hospital:

  • Leave a forwarding address with ward staff, in case they need to contact you
  • Make sure you have a time and date for your next appointments (if needed)
  • Ensure you have enough medication and understand how and when to take it
  • Make sure you have all of your personal items