Health Promotion

Yea and District Memorial Hospital is committed to preventing the development of lifestyle diseases in persons of all ages through the implementation of tailored health promotion initiatives. 

To date, some of these initiatives include:

  • Installing raised garden beds in the garden of Rosebank Hostel
  • Working in partnership with Health Promotion Officers from Alexandra District Health, Nexus Primary Health, and Seymour Health to deliver the RESPOND* project throughout Murrindindi Shire (known locally as Grow Well Dindi)
  • Implementing the Healthy Choices: Policy Guidelines for Hospitals and Health Services at Yea & District Memorial Hospital
  • Partnering with Yea Community House to implement a weekly community walking group
  • Delivering healthy eating seminars to students at Yea Primary School

In 2023-24, YDMH will continue its focus on increasing the healthy eating and physical activity levels of residents of Yea and surrounding towns, as well as increasing the mental wellbeing of farmers, and reducing vaping rates among youth.

To find out more, contact our health promotion officer on 5736 0468 or

* RESPOND is a Deakin University initiative funded by the NHMRC. It is a shared community approach to improving the health and wellbeing of children across the Ovens Murray – Goulburn region. Delivery is supported by the Victorian Department of Health, Victorian Department of Education and Training, VicHealth, Hume Public Health Unit, local Councils and health services.