Merry Christmas

  Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Hope everyone has a lovely day. Our Urgent Care Centre at the hospital is open 24/7 in the event of a Christmas Day mishap or emergency. P: 5736 040045 Station Street, Yea

Snake Awareness Workshop

Snake Awareness TrainingWednesday 20th December, 2023 FREE 1 hour sessions held at 10am & 12pm Location YDMH Boardroom in The Grace Bennetts Centre Phone Nadeane on 5736 0400 to reserve your place.

Vegepod Volunteer Wanted

Are you, or someone you know, a keen veggie gardener? With the warm weather fast approaching, Yea & District Memorial Hospital are still looking for a volunteer to help us tend to Rosebank’s vegepods for 20-30 mins once or twice a week. The role will include: Watering the pods (3 of the pods run off […]

Gender Equality Commissioner Visits Yea

Organised by The Murrindindi Health Network (a joint venture between Yea & District Memorial Hospital, Alexandra District Health, Menzies Support Services, Kellock Lodge, Darlingford Nursing Home and Murrindindi Shire Council) our local community was invited to a meeting with Dr Niki Vincent, Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner to hear about her journey held on the […]

Physical Footpath Community Survey

Inspired by the success of The Mansfield Active Foothpath Project, Yea & District Memorial Hospital in partnership with the Murrindindi Shire Council are looking to install ‘physical footpaths’ throughout Yea. To have your say in the project, please complete this survey: Murrindindi Physical Foothpaths It should take no more than five minutes to complete. The […]

Flowers for our residents we received a beautiful gift of flowers from Jen and Brad who celebrated their wedding yesterday. Congratulations and Thank you so much They are beautiful and our residents and staff love them. Thank you Flowers by Nici for delivering the fabulous gift to us. What a wonderful Monday treat.

Carer Information – Yea Thursday 8th Sep

Murrindindi Shire Council is delivering Carer Gateway Carer information sessions in #murrindindi. Head to Yea Library Thursday 8th Sep from 12-1pm to learn what support is available to Carers. No need to RSVP just turn up. Carer Gateway is the Australian Governments national carer hub providing reliable services, support and advice specifically for carers. Each […]

20 July 1878

YEA (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT) Credit: A serious accident happened last week to a carrier, Mr Gill, of Doogalook. In returning home, after delivering some goods in the township, near Mr Hume’s, his horses shied, causing them to bolt. When jumping from the waggon, with the hope of stopping them, the reins caught his feet, […]

About Us

Yea & District Memorial Hospital (YDMH) is a vibrant and compassionate health service located north of the Yarra Valley in the beautiful rolling green hills of Yea. YDMH provides a 24-hour medical and nursing service and is staffed by a Registered Nurses, Visiting VMO’s and utilizes VVED and My Emergency Doctor. Our commitment to providing […]