Diet and Diabetes

Diet and Diabetes  Diabetes is one of the leading health conditions in Australia affecting 1 in 20 of us. Here at YDMH we offer both diabetes nurse educator and dietitian services to help support people in the community who have type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes. Our diabetes nurse educator can help educate about […]


Did you know that a dietitian can help you improve your iron levels if you are at risk of iron deficiency or if you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency? We can do this by providing individualised dietary support with the following: Helping trouble shoot potential causes for your low iron levels, particularly from your diet […]

Gender Equality Commissioner Visits Yea

Organised by The Murrindindi Health Network (a joint venture between Yea & District Memorial Hospital, Alexandra District Health, Menzies Support Services, Kellock Lodge, Darlingford Nursing Home and Murrindindi Shire Council) our local community was invited to a meeting with Dr Niki Vincent, Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner to hear about her journey held on the […]

Aged Care Star Ratings

Have you seen our new star ratings? Nursing HomeOverall Star Rating – 4/5 Rosebank HostelOverall Star Rating – 5/5 What do the Star Ratings mean?When you use the Find a provider tool ( to check an aged care home’s Star Rating, you’ll see an overall Star Rating between 1 and 5 stars.More stars means an aged care […]

Spot Audit – 29/08/2023

Yesterday we had an unannounced spot check visit from the Aged Care Safety and Quality Commission.  The audit focused on Food, Domestic Services and Infection Control. We were found to be fully compliant in all audit areas with no recommendations for improvement. Congratulations to all staff on this result but most particularly thank you to […]

Physical Footpath Community Survey

Inspired by the success of The Mansfield Active Foothpath Project, Yea & District Memorial Hospital in partnership with the Murrindindi Shire Council are looking to install ‘physical footpaths’ throughout Yea. To have your say in the project, please complete this survey: Murrindindi Physical Foothpaths It should take no more than five minutes to complete. The […]

Flowers for our residents we received a beautiful gift of flowers from Jen and Brad who celebrated their wedding yesterday. Congratulations and Thank you so much They are beautiful and our residents and staff love them. Thank you Flowers by Nici for delivering the fabulous gift to us. What a wonderful Monday treat.

Grow Well Dindi Community Workshop

Improving the health of local children.   Date: Thursday, 7 September 2023 Time: 4-7pm Location: Yea Town Hall(supper room – located at back of hall) You’re invited to a workshop to help increase healthy eating and physical activity among children within Murrindindi Shire. During the workshop, we will share the factors identified by community leaders […]

Aged Care Employee Day

A heartfelt Thank You to all the staff and volunteers at Yea & District Memorial Hospital and Rosebank Aged Care. Your genuine compassion and commitment to providing quality care make YDMH such a wonderful place to be. A lovely afternoon tea was held at the Rosebank Activity Room for all staff to celebrate everyone’s efforts […]

Local Farmers Workshop

Caring for Our Stock, Caring for Ourselves.Workshop this Thursday 27th July This is an opportunity for farmers across Murrindindi Shire, whether experienced or new to the industry, to hear from our two guest speakers about animal health issues that the district may be facing, and about mental health information and support available. Delatite Vet Services […]